Comprehensive Medical Centre at Retire@Midstream..

Retire@Midstream is in the very fortunate position to have a comprehensive Medical Centre right next to it. It is not often that a retirement facility has direct access to medical facilities of this extent. The 1000 sqm Midstream Medical Centre comprises of Doctors, Dentists, Physiotherapists, Radiologists, Pathologists, Audiologists and Psychologists.

Over and above the Midstream Medical Centre with it’s wide range of services, Care@Midstream, a registered sub-acute care and individual rehabilitation centre is situated in the main building of Retire@Midstream. Care@Midstream is a self- contained independent nursing facility that treats patients with set clinical and functional outcome based protocols. This is done in conjunction with a multi- professional team. The scope of medical care will typically cover post operative, restorative, medical transitional, chronic or long term care patients. Care@Midstream offers treatment aimed at regaining the patient’s cognitive and motor functions concurrently with the healing of any co-morbidity. The overall objectives are to improve quality of life by enhancing functional capacity and to facilitate discharge to a less rehabilitation-intensive setting. The Main building of Retire@Midstream is also home to Cure Day Clinics -Midstream. A Day Clinic which has two theatres and and a 20 bed ward is in operation and offers yet another convenient service in the main building of Retire@Midstream.

One of the pressing concerns of anyone considering their choice of Retirement Village is the availability and quality of the frail care facility. Today fully equipped and functional frail care garden units are available at Retire@Midstream. Should you have the need for 24 hour care in a garden unit which opens onto a sunny patio Retire@ Midstream can accommodate you today.

The greater Midrand-Estates is home to 10 000 residents and as a result we are able to offer all our residents including the residents of Retire@Midstream a very unique service of a 24 hour emergency paramedic dedicated to our estate only. This service has proven to be of immeasurable value to all our residents and has resulted in lives being saved on more than one occassion.

Based on the Medical Care and Facilities offered, Retire@Midstream is truly unique in it’s service delivery and medical peace of mind offered to all it’s residents.