Disabled Woman learns to swim in indoor pool in Midrand-Estates.... and ends up scuba diving in Mozambique.

Phillis Wolf, a disabled woman, who has spent many years in her wheelchair, lived in a flat in Johannesburg where she was confined to her apartment. Due to mounting security risks Phillis had very little freedom of movement and independance. In her own words “a miracle happened” when she moved to Midrand-Estates in the January of 2008, where her dream of secure freedom of movement was realised.

Midrand-Estates the home of Retire@Midstream gave Phillis Wolf back her safety, independance and mobility. She is able to move freely in the estate to collect her post, visit the doctors, do her daily shopping and very much everything she needs is accessible to her from her motorised wheelchair.

With her new found freedom Phillis set her sights on a new challenge. She set out to learn how to swim in the indoor heated swimming pool in the safe environment of the estate. One can just imagine the amazing experience that this must have been for someone confined to a wheel chair for years, with previously very little hope of ever feeling so free again. She then undertook a scuba diving course with a well acclaimed trainer in Midstream, who has previously taught disabled people to scuba dive. With her diving course completed Phillis was able to experience her very first dive at sea, in Mozambique, accompanied by her trainer from Midstream. A fantastic feat for someone who until she moved to Midrand-Estates was confined to her flat.